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Kinnser.net Automation Assistant for Home Care Nurses

Welcome to Kinnser.net Automation Assistant! The site and its author is not affiliated with Kinnser.net, Wellsky, or any other companies they represent. Here, you can find a variety of automated tools to help you save time and maximize efficiency in home care skilled nursing documentation.

Please choose what you would like to automate in the above menu links. At this time, some functionalites are still under construction, but the physiology, which is more important at this time, works as intended. However, on some situations, you might get an error, it could be from different reasons like network timeout, system is overloaded, kinnser.net issues, or a bug in the program.

Note: This has been done most on my freetime but also on times that I needed to work quicker on my documentation. The site does not have feeback/forum page at this time, but that's one of the plans. The site is being hosted at my house using a personal ISP account so at times I have to take it down to reduce the load to my connection. In the future, I hope to be able to afford a web-hosting service and put the site online 24/7.

Disclaimer: The site tries not to store any private information after using, only the site username and password are stored in order to gain access to its functionalities. The site DOES NOT store any passwords, email, IP address, etc, (all will be deleted when you log out or close your browser). You can even enter fake email if preferred. Use at your own risk and the owner of the site is not responsible for any damages the application(s) may directly or indirectly cause.

Note: These are subject to change if there is a need in order to prevent malicious intent to the site.

If you need access, please send a message to the facebook group Digital-Assistant Online facebook group.
Please provide your public IP so that I can allow have the firewall allow access. Go to www.whatismyip.com.

Future Plans: Physical Therapy version, etc. Suggestions are welcome.

To learn more about what thi site can do, visit about section(about digital-assistant.online)